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An interview with the band

Interview with Katastrophal Klang

As I enter the backstage area of the small club where Katastrophal Klang will be playing tonight, I can't deny that I'm a little nervous. The band has a reputation for both their explosive music and their unconventional interviews. Today they're going to talk about their latest album "Weil's sonst ja keiner sagt" (Weasel's nobody else says), but I already suspect that it won't go quite according to plan.

The band members are sitting loosely on different couches. Some still seem to bear the traces of the previous night. Torsten "Feed-Bäcker" Müller, the lead singer, fixes me with a piercing look as I introduce myself and switch on the dictaphone.

Me: "Thank you for taking the time. I would like to know more about your new album..."

Before I can finish my question, Torsten interrupts me with a raised eyebrow.

Torsten: "Album? Look, we make music, not stamp collections. Who says it's an 'album' as you call it?"

Me: "Um, it was released as an album, right? The fans are really excited..."

Julian "Der Echo" Weber, the bassist, leans forward and shakes his head as if he wanted to scare away an unpleasant insect.

Julian: "We won't let ourselves be put into your little media boxes. Our music is more than just an 'album'. It's a statement."

The conversation starts to derail and I try to regain control by asking more specifically about the themes of the album. But Torsten doesn't let me get a word in edgewise.

Torsten: "Do you know what your problem is? You come here with your prepared questions without understanding what our music is about. You want headlines, we want revolution!"

Me: "Okay, could we maybe talk about the production? The fans love the new sound—"

Torsten: "Oh, stop it! Your questions are so predictable. Did you even understand what was said in 'Because nobody else says'? Hardly!"

The other band members look on amused as I try to bring the interview back to a factual level. But the more I ask, the more Torsten seems to enjoy making a fool of me.

Me: "I understand that you don't want to commit to one thing. Is there a message you want to give to your fans?"

Niklas "Das Beben" Krause, the drummer, breaks the silence.

Niklas: "Yes, don't let anyone tell you what to do. Not us, not any newspapers."

The interview ends rather abruptly when Torsten stands up and announces that they have talked enough. "Time to make music," he says, leaving me with more questions than answers.

As I pack my things, I can't help but think that I may have learned more about the band than their words revealed. Katastrophal Klang plays by their own rules, and that's exactly what their fans love about them. Even if that means a reporter gets in the firing line every now and then.

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